Customer Story, I wore the abs stimulator for 30 days!

Customer Story, I wore the abs stimulator for 30 days!

Have you been caught up in quarantine 15 just like most people? Trying to motivate yourself to find a way to lose the extra belly fat and prepare for the warm summer whether right around the corner? Well, we’ve got the perfect thing to help you! The 3 in 1 muscle toner and abs stimulator can help you get that six pack abs you’ve been dreaming of for a while now! We have several other blogs and articles on how it works, how to use it, the benefits, and more, that you can find here. On this post, we’d like to share with you one of many success stories that our customers have had with the 3 in 1 abs stimulator, to encourage and motivate you to get in shape too! Here’s what verified customer Derick had to say about using the abs stimulator... 


“My name is Derick Murphy, I am 27 years old, I’ve been fairly overweight for a good portion of my 20’s. After starting to work my full time job, move in with my girlfriend, and work on my side projects, I've noticed I had left no time to take proper care of myself. I felt sluggish and unmotivated, my confidence flew right out the window. One day about 2 months ago, my girlfriend mentioned to me that it’s becoming a slight issue and that my health could be at risk. Not to mention, as a man, I want my girlfriend to be attracted to me both emotionally and physically. 


So I looked into a quick method that could help me lose some extra weight I’ve accumulated over the past few years. I found myself looking into this 3 in 1 abs stimulator, it was on sale, and I figured I'd give it a shot. The parcel came in quick and the device was easy to figure out and start using. I weighed myself so I could track my progress as I used the 3 in 1 abs stimulator. 


I started with just 30 minutes a day, having it on while I did household chores and even when I was relaxing watching TV with my girlfriend. The device would give consistent vibrations and small shocks to my abdomen and core muscles. I’d start sweating from doing nothing! I started noticing small differences around the 5-7 day mark, slimmer belly radius and a more toned feel and look. I slowly started leaving it on for longer and longer, some days even for an hour if not a bit more. 


After about 18 days, I noticed that I had actually lost close to 8 pounds of fat off my belly and a bit off my love handles too! This was extremely motivating and inspired me to continue using it. I even gained more motivation to find and make time to exercise throughout the day, by going on jogs and doing pushup and sit up circuits. After about 24 days I started to notice small ab outlines around my stomach, this sight made me so happy and confident to continue with the routine. 


30 days later, after consistently using the 3 in 1 abs stimulator every day, and doing some quick workout circuits, I decided to weigh myself and track my progress. I was blown away by the number on the scale, I had actually lost roughly 20 pounds of that gross and extra belly fat I had been carrying with me for years. My actual abs started to show and become more defined! 


I am very pleased with the results and how quick and easy it has been to lose my stubborn belly fat, with the help of the 3 in 1 abs stimulator. I plan on continuing the usage of the abs stimulator and working out. The 3 in 1 abs stimulator has helped me not only lose weight and define my abs, but also regain my confidence and reduce my risk of health problems. My girlfriend has also loved the results and is very happy to see me more healthy, fit, and happy!”


That was Derick’s personal story of his experience using our 3 in 1 abs stimulator. He is one of many satisfied clients who have taken the step and worked towards their goals! We hope Derick has motivated you to take your first step towards living a healthier and happier lifestyle! The first step starts with the commitment and purchase of the 3 in 1 abs stimulator! So, what are you waiting for? Start and share your story with us! Get your very own 3 in 1 abs stimulator now! Click Here.

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