Are you skeptical about how well the 3 in 1 muscle toner and abs stimulator works? Here's what a verified customer had to say about her experience with the 3 in 1 abs stimulator.
To anyone reading this, my name is Miranda Qiunto, I'm 5'6 and this is my personal story of how I went from weighing 160 pounds, having no self confidence, and overall disliking my appearance and self as a whole, to weighing 138 pounds, regaining my self confidence, being a lot healthier and feeling better about myself.
Back in august of 2020, I was trying to online date, but lacked the confidence to show off my body in pictures, and would often throw on several filters and focus on my areas of my appearance that were not my tummy or thighs. One day, I went on a date with a man who was so blatantly rude, but also truthful, he told me I did not look anything like my online photos and that I was a much “heavier” lady than I led onto. Needless to say, we did not meet again.
So after going home, crying, and almost finishing a whole tub of ice cream to freeze my pain and sorrow, I realized that I needed to make a change, and for the better. I realized that I not only needed to make a change so men wouldn’t be grossed out by me, but also because of my health.
So after looking online for what felt like hours, I came across the 3 in 1 muscle toner and abs stimulator. I thought I’d give it a try, I also felt as if I'd invest a good chunk of money, I’d try a bit harder to keep up with using it. I also weighed myself to track my progress on my weight loss journey. I clocked in at 161.3 pounds, and my goal was to be around 135 pounds.
And before I knew it, my very own, life changing, 3 in 1 muscle toner and abs stimulator had arrived in the mail! I was extremely eager to open it up and find out how it works, after some quick unboxing and well written instructions, I was ready to start burning fat and toning my muscles, without doing anything! The sensation of the electromagnetic pulses shocking and stimulating my muscles was a bit weird, as I’d never done anything like this before. But, I quickly got used to the feeling, and even learned to enjoy it!
I would use the 3 in 1 muscle toner and abs stimulator several times a day, often when waking up, and after work when I got home. I’d also leave it on as I did basic household chores such as cooking and cleaning, and while working out at home. I started to notice a bit of a difference after about 1 week of consistently wearing the 3 in 1 abs stimulator, and working out a bit everyday. I decided to hop on a weight scale, and to my surprise, I’d lost 3 pounds in just 6 days of wearing the abs stimulator and working out.
This was just the confidence boost I needed to continue using the abs stimulator and working out. Before I noticed, 2 weeks had gone by and I felt amazing, I decided to take a progress update and weight myself again. My jaw dropped to the scale as I’d noticed that I had lost almost 10 pounds in 2 weeks! I could not believe how effective and easy the 3 in 1 abs stimulator was to use!
After about 1 month and a few days, I noticed my shirts and dresses were fitting much nicer, without being super tight and making maneuverability difficult. I continued to use the 3 in 1 abs stimulator everyday, it was super easy to apply and leave on while I went on about my day and even while working out. After about a month and a half, I decided to weigh myself once again. I now weighed 142.7 pounds, a 18 pound difference from a month ago when I started using the 3 in 1 abs stimulator. Over the month of using it, I had not only lost a significant amount of belly fat, but also regained my self confidence, and even posted full body pictures on my online dating apps! I feel healthier, and happier since getting my own 3 in 1 muscle toner and abs stimulator. It’s super easy to apply and use, and works like a charm! I’d recommend tis to anyone, not just beginners, but also intermediate and seasoned gym junkies and health advocates! I cannot express how much the 3 in 1 abs stimulator has helped not just my physical health, but also my mental health.
That was a very heartfelt and true customer success story, from one of many verified customers. Want to share your story with us and potentially get your own blog post? Contact us! We love hearing about our clients stories and how we could help them achieve their goals! Want to get your own 3 in 1 abs stimulator and muscle toner? Click Here.